
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Been busy

I have been busy, last weekend I went to a local crop. I really enjoyed myself and will defiantly be going again. I have also discovered a new craft shop, however it will be closing on December 15th- I can't believe I had not discovered it before. I bought this Rusty Pickle Halloween kit from the shop. I am pleased with the outcome. I have stolen the pocket Idea and made my own book up.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Breast Cancer awareness

I have joined a team on UK scrappers (Brazzill Nuts) They are a very friendly bunch. I have taken on one of their challenges set by one of the team members. It is all to do with breast Cancer awareness. The Journelling reads...
We don’t know what life holds for us.
In years to come I will show you this page.
When you were little it was me who looked
out for your lumps and bumps. Now you
are older and they have grown whether
they are big or small I don’t know, only time
will tell. All I ask is that you now check
for lumps and bumps and keep yourself
safe by checking out any little lump.
Love Mummy

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

UK Scrappers Birthday Crop

I really wanted to take part in the UK Scrappers Birthday crop, there are such fantastic classes. I have never done one before and wanted to have a go. However, I am still in the middle of my Christmas cards and didn't want to get distracted from the task in hand. I therefore have used the class from Banana Frog and used this idea to make a Christmas card. I am not sure if this is allowed but I still gave it a go. The card has been scanned and as a result has shown all of its imperfections.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend away - Thorpeness

Had a great weekend away. It did however take us four hours to get there! Time spent on the beach and the lake (rowing and looking for pirates) No craft done this weekend - so here are a few photos of the weekend.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Video about Scrap Booker's

Take a look at this I think it is funny - sorry if it offends some of you.

UK scrappers Peel-Off Opinion Poll

Well it is fair to say I have spent more time on the computer than craft.

I posted an opinion poll on UK Scrappers about Peel-Offs. I suggested that they looked tacky and the main consensus is that they do. However, saying that I have seen some excellent examples of peoples work where they looked great. I still feel that without a lot of faffing they look cheep. So with that in mind I went on the hunt for an alternative quick and effective way of wording. I came up with a fantastic find. On ( Sorry for some reason when you click on this link, it is one of those websites that won't let you use the back option, it may be better to open it in a new tab - I find it so annoying) there is a video that shows how to make your own transfers using your printer and a sheet of acetate. So this is what I have done. Sorry about the pictures, I am still getting to grips with my new camera (Nikon D40 ).

Monday, October 8, 2007

What to do?

Well it is now the evening and I have achieved something - I tidied and rearranged my craft table down stairs. I have come to the conclusion that I need to come up with some sort of device that tells me what to create and how to crate it. By this I mean I need something to say weather I should make a card,do a scrapbook page etc. and what supplies to use e.g. stamps, buttons, ribbon.

Need a change

I have completely wasted the time Owain has been asleep. I am in a craft quandary - what to do!!!The problems are as follows...
  • Do I make more cards I might not sell?
  • Should I try to think of something else that might sell e.g notebooks - that way I could make use of my bind-it-All?
  • Should I move all my craft stuff back upstairs because the mess in the lounge is really starting to get to me?
  • I can't work upstairs when Owain is asleep, because I will wake him up
  • Should I stay in when he wakes up or go out? - But I will only spend money when I go out.
  • Is this helpful? Or once again I am wasting time?
  • I think it is helpful .. The question is what shall I do??
  • I am going mad - I need a set project, even if it is to tidy the kitchen cupboards

Another week of craft

Well it's Monday again and I feel exhausted after the weekend. Owain is under the table at the moment terrorising what he can find that has been discarded, I think I will have to type this later on. I have been doing a fair bit of craft but have not managed to get round to putting it on my blog. I have even got my sister and Rich involved.

I made this decopage card topper the other night, however I don't think I will be using it as a card topper it is far too thick. I used to wrong sticky pad things. See the side photo to see what I mean.

I have discovered my lettering stamps - loving embossing at the moment.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Straight hair

Feeling a bit better now. It is a good job Rich had a PTA meeting because it gave me time to calm down. I have straightened my hair which has made me feel a whole lot better, I think I need to go on a clothes shopping spree. However, when I spend money on clothes all I can think about is what I could have got if I spent it on craft - so I think it will have to be e-bay.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Time wasting

Well after having discovered that the car needed an MOT ( 2hours later and £55 ) I managed to do a few cards. I am persevering with the papermania box, but have moved away from the traditional design to the designer box, I find the colours easier to work with.
My dining room table well!!!!! Please bare in mind that if this was all the craft stuff I had it would be fine but I have a whole room dedicated to my Craft upstairs. It is down here at the moment so if I have a spare few minutes between children stuff I can pick up my glue stick.

Another day of fun

Well the day starts.... Off to mums for coffee, and back for a couple of hours of craft.

Look what I bought with my birthday money....

I have yet to bind anything with it, I am going to order some cheaper wires before I start playing. I have loads of ideas for its use, if time permits that is.

So the question is what am I going to create this morning?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

New visitors

I was surprised and pleased when I logged onto my blog this morning to discover I had a few people visit it and one lovely lady called Emma left some great comments for me.

I had a big card sort out last night and put all the cards I have made for Christmas into cello bags.

Jess has been joining me in my card making sessions when Owain is asleep above you can see her creation. - A seaside theme I think.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New cards

Since I last wrote I have made several new Christmas cards. I am trying to rattle off some so I will have enough to try and sell in my staffroom at school and for some to go to Richard's work. I am using the PM Christmas card selection pre - printed cards - I am finding it hard, especially with some of the designs they have used. I will post some pictures tomorrow - Rich is wanting to check his e- mails

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A day of craft

Rich and the kids have gone over to Woking with Ned and Joff so I have some time to do some craft. It is silly but I feel rushed and stressed, I guess I want to make the most of the time that I have to myself.

The cards went down OK, I don't really think people realise how long it takes to create something, but then again what should I expect them to say. I am not sure what Grandmas face is saying about her card
On Friday night I got myself in a pickle and Rich helped me to make the envelopes for the thank you cards and he packed his dads Birthday present , I enjoyed doing things with him, I don't think he thought the same.

I have finished a Christmas scrap album for Jackie which can be seen on the slide show. Below you can see the front cover. I can't say I am pleased with it - but it will do.

Friday, September 21, 2007

New photos added

I have got hold of my dads tripod and have taken photos of all the Christmas cards I have made so far. Looks OK, just need some decent cards now. These ones seem to be the popular ones, typical the ones that I spent the least time on.

A new day

I managed to print off all the letters and the cards are ready. I now need to sort out some envelopes, the cards are an awkward size so I will need to make them myself. I am typing this just before I take Jess to school. I will post some photos later.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Time to get off the computer

Well it is now almost 8 pm and I only have two hours before I should start thinking about going to bed. I have spent the evening on the computer - I need to get round to some craft....

So I am off to print out the letters to go inside the thank you cards for Owain's Birthday

This card and the others I have made is pretty much a straight copy from Uk Scrappers - craft robo forum - so thanks to them I should have some decent comments at the weekend.

Time to wake the baby

It is now 12.45 and I think it is about time that I go and wake up Owain. - Dinner needed and all that. Then off to the Library to take back an over due book followed by a craft spend I could do without - a new colour ink cartridge!!

My first instalment 19th September 2007

Well here we go and I dare say the novelty will wear off after a few posts- only time will tell. I have no plans on sharing this blog with anyone at the present moment. This is due to several factors.....
  • Sheer embarrassment.
  • worry over my poor grasp of the English language ( mainly punctuation and spelling)
  • lack of time
  • lack of inspiration

But, on a more positive note I do hope to get some sort of satisfaction form the whole experience....

  • A fantastic way of keeping a log of my creations for future reference
  • Practice at typing
  • Practice at spelling
  • Getting to know my camera
  • A record of my everyday exciting life.