
Sunday, September 30, 2007

New visitors

I was surprised and pleased when I logged onto my blog this morning to discover I had a few people visit it and one lovely lady called Emma left some great comments for me.

I had a big card sort out last night and put all the cards I have made for Christmas into cello bags.

Jess has been joining me in my card making sessions when Owain is asleep above you can see her creation. - A seaside theme I think.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New cards

Since I last wrote I have made several new Christmas cards. I am trying to rattle off some so I will have enough to try and sell in my staffroom at school and for some to go to Richard's work. I am using the PM Christmas card selection pre - printed cards - I am finding it hard, especially with some of the designs they have used. I will post some pictures tomorrow - Rich is wanting to check his e- mails

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A day of craft

Rich and the kids have gone over to Woking with Ned and Joff so I have some time to do some craft. It is silly but I feel rushed and stressed, I guess I want to make the most of the time that I have to myself.

The cards went down OK, I don't really think people realise how long it takes to create something, but then again what should I expect them to say. I am not sure what Grandmas face is saying about her card
On Friday night I got myself in a pickle and Rich helped me to make the envelopes for the thank you cards and he packed his dads Birthday present , I enjoyed doing things with him, I don't think he thought the same.

I have finished a Christmas scrap album for Jackie which can be seen on the slide show. Below you can see the front cover. I can't say I am pleased with it - but it will do.

Friday, September 21, 2007

New photos added

I have got hold of my dads tripod and have taken photos of all the Christmas cards I have made so far. Looks OK, just need some decent cards now. These ones seem to be the popular ones, typical the ones that I spent the least time on.

A new day

I managed to print off all the letters and the cards are ready. I now need to sort out some envelopes, the cards are an awkward size so I will need to make them myself. I am typing this just before I take Jess to school. I will post some photos later.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Time to get off the computer

Well it is now almost 8 pm and I only have two hours before I should start thinking about going to bed. I have spent the evening on the computer - I need to get round to some craft....

So I am off to print out the letters to go inside the thank you cards for Owain's Birthday

This card and the others I have made is pretty much a straight copy from Uk Scrappers - craft robo forum - so thanks to them I should have some decent comments at the weekend.

Time to wake the baby

It is now 12.45 and I think it is about time that I go and wake up Owain. - Dinner needed and all that. Then off to the Library to take back an over due book followed by a craft spend I could do without - a new colour ink cartridge!!

My first instalment 19th September 2007

Well here we go and I dare say the novelty will wear off after a few posts- only time will tell. I have no plans on sharing this blog with anyone at the present moment. This is due to several factors.....
  • Sheer embarrassment.
  • worry over my poor grasp of the English language ( mainly punctuation and spelling)
  • lack of time
  • lack of inspiration

But, on a more positive note I do hope to get some sort of satisfaction form the whole experience....

  • A fantastic way of keeping a log of my creations for future reference
  • Practice at typing
  • Practice at spelling
  • Getting to know my camera
  • A record of my everyday exciting life.